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Fire Doors (Regulation 10)

Published On: June 27, 2023


1. The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 will make it a legal requirement from 23 January 2023 for responsible persons for all multi-occupied residential buildings in England with storeys over 11 metres in height to: Undertake quarterly checks of all fire doors (including self-closing devices) in the common parts; and, Undertake – on a best endeavour basis –annual checks of all flat entrance doors (including self-closing devices) that lead onto a building’s common parts.

Meeting the Requirement

1.The regulations will also require responsible persons to provide to residents of all multi-occupied residential buildings with two or more sets of domestic premises (that have common parts) information on the importance of fire doors to a building’s fire safety. 2.‘Best Endeavours’ It will be for responsible persons to determine the best approach to engage with residents in order to get access to undertake the annual checks of flat entrance doors. This could include the responsible person agreeing with residents a date, so access can be granted.

Minimum Requirements for Inspections

The minimum requirement is for the responsible person to undertake an inspection of the doors to identify any obvious damage or issues. It should not be necessary to engage a specialist for these checks as the responsible person should be able to carry out these checks themselves.
– If there has been any alterations or damage to a door’s glazing apertures or air transfer grille If there are any gaps around the door frame and that seals and hinges are fitted correctly
– That the door closer shuts the door
– That the door closes correctly around the whole frame
– That there is no visible damage (either deliberate or from wear and tear) to the door or door closer

If any issues are identified from these checks, it might be appropriate to undertake more detailed checks of doors (or the self-closing device) if any damage is identified from the initial inspection. This could include engaging a specialist.


Residents should be encouraged to allow responsible persons access to check their flat entrance doors If access cannot be achieved, the responsible person should gather evidence of the steps they have taken to discharge this duty.

The information given to residents should cover the importance of keeping doors closed, that doors and self-closing devices are not tampered with and that any faults or damage to doors should be raised immediately. Residents will receive this information when they move into a multi-occupied residential building and then on an annual basis.

Checks for Fire Doors in Buildings Below 11m

The regulations do not replace the existing duty for a responsible person to put in place general fire precautions in any premises covered by the Fire Safety Order, regardless of the building’s height. The Fire Safety Act 2021 has clarified that in any residential building which contains two or more sets of domestic premises are within the scope of the Fire Safety Order. Responsible persons for residential buildings below 11 metres in height have a duty to put in place general fire precautions in these buildings, this duty includes making sure that all fire doors – including flat entrance doors – are capable of providing adequate protection. Responsible persons will also be required to provide residents in all residential buildings with two or more sets of domestic premises with information on fire doors.

Current Situation

Prior to the Fire Safety Act 2021, flat entrance doors in multi-occupied residential buildings may not have been routinely considered as part of the fire risk assessment process. The Fire Safety Act 2021 has removed the legal ambiguity and confirms that flat entrance doors are in scope of the Fire Safety Order.

The checks required under the regulations do not replace the existing duty under the Fire Safety Order for the responsible person to put in place general fire precautions and their duties under Article 17 of the Fire Safety Order in all buildings which are in scope of the Fire Safety Order, regardless of height.

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