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Industrial Security

Protecting you at all times

0330 043 6909
Security Enquiries

Our dedicated support team will respond quickly to your enquiry.

    Octagon Property Services Group

    We understand  the unique security demands of industrial environments and provides tailored security solutions for manufacturing, warehouse, and engineering sites. Our experienced team conducts thorough risk assessments to identify all known threats and hazards, protecting your valuable assets, employees, and business operations from theft and vandalism.

    For manufacturing plants, we provide tailored security services to control access points, respond to security incidents quickly, and monitor health and safety. For warehouse and distribution, we offer SIA licensed security guards, professional dog units, gatehouse security, and out-of-hours security to protect your valuable stock, premises, and staff 24/7.


    Our integrated security packages combine manned security services with advanced technology systems, ensuring a physical presence and electronic security solutions for optimal protection and cost efficiency.

    Octagon Property Services Group

    Let’s work together

    Trust us to maximize your property’s value and deliver exceptional results. Experience the Octagon advantage today.

    0330 043 6909

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